Thursday July 24th, 2014

Coached Classes

First Class at 6:30a **(Open Gym)
Second Class at 12:00p
Third Class at 4:30p
Last Class at 6:30p ( CXL )

CrossFit San Luis Obispo WOD:

Warm-Up and Stretch

  • 400m Run
  • 10 Spidermans
  • 10 Knee Hug into Forward Lung
  • 10 Feet Together Squats

Coach’s Choice


  • Back Squat 3 x 10

WOD: For time:

  • 100 Double Unders or 200 Single Unders
  • 50 Air Squats
  • 25 GHD Sit-ups or 50 Abmat Sit-ups
  • 100 Double Unders or 200 Single Unders
  • 50 Air Squats
  • 25 GHD Sit-ups or 50 Abmat Sit-ups
  • 100 Double Unders or 200 Singe Unders

CF SLO Athlete’s

Wednesday July 23rd, 2014

Coached Classes

First Class at 6:30a
Second Class at 12:00p
Third Class at 5:30p
Last Class at 6:30p **(Open Gym)

CrossFit San Luis Obispo WOD:

Warm-Up and Stretch

Coach’s Choice

CrossFit San Luis Obispo WOD:

“Fight Gone Bad” 3 rounds, 5 exercises, performed for 1 minute each.

  • Wall Balls (20/14)
  • Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (75/55)
  • Box Jumps (20)
  • Push Press (75/55)
  • Row Machine (cal)

In this workout each exercise is performed non-stop for 1 minute. The clock does not stop or reset between exercises. Each round is 5 minutes with a one-minute break in between each round. On call of “rotate” the athletes must move to the next exercise immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Tuesday July 22nd, 2014

Coached Classes

First Class at 6:30a
Second Class at 12:00p
Third Class at 4:30p
Fourth Class at 6:30p
Last Class at *7:30p (by reservation only) RAMP classes, must call ahead to reserve a

CrossFit San Luis Obispo WOD:

Warm-Up and Stretch

Coach’s Choice

Skill and Drills

WOD: 3 rounds for time of:

  • 400m Run
  • 21 KBS (24kg/16kg)
  • 12 Pull-Ups
  • 5 L Sit

Monday July 21st, 2014

Coached Classes

First Class at 6:30a
Last Class at 5:30p

CrossFit San Luis Obispo WOD:

Warm-Up and Stretch
Coach’s Choice

Skill and Drills

Review Deadlift, Hang Power Clean and Push Jerk first with PVC then progress to bar.

CrossFit San Luis Obispo WOD: “DT” 5 rounds for time of:

  • 12 Deadlifts (155/105)
  • 9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105)
  • 6 Push Jerk (155/105)



In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.

 Click here: to see Push Jerk

Saturday July 19th, 2014

Coached Class

First Class at 9:15a

CrossFit San Luis Obispo WOD:

Warm up and Stretch

Coach’s Choice

WOD: Skill Work & individual PR day!

Then each athlete will create THEIR own 10 min AMRAP; pick 3 exercise and do as many rounds/reps as possible.

*Remember the goal is the high intensity, low rest period concept rather than focusing the amount of weight you’re moving.

Friday July 18th, 2014

Coached Classes

First Class at 6:30a
Second Class at 4:30p **(Open Gym)
Last Class at 5:30p

CrossFit San Luis Obispo WOD:

Warm-Up and Stretch

  • Jump Rope 5 Minutes
  • Banded Hamstring Stretch (2 min)
  • Calves

Coach’s Choice

WOD: “Kelly” 5 Rounds for time:

  • Run 400m
  • 30 Box Jumps (24/20)
  • 30 Wall Balls (20/14)

*Those athletes who have endurance workouts during the week see Coaches for the specific STRENGTH WOD.

Thursday July 17th, 2014

Coached Classes

First Class at 6:30a **(Open Gym)
Second Class at 12:00p
Third Class at 4:30p
Last Class at 6:30p

CrossFit San Luis Obispo WOD:

Warm-Up and Stretch

Coach’s choise

WOD: 20min AMRAP

  • 5 Handstand Push Ups
  • 14 Alternating Jumping Lunges (7 each leg)
  • 10 Pull Ups
  • 200 meter Run