July 11, 2014 CrossFit San Luis Obispo

Friday July 11th, 2014

First Class at 6:30a
Second Class at 4:30p **(Open Gym)
Last Class at 5:30p

CrossFit San Luis Obispo WOD:

Warm-Up and Stretch

2 Minute Couch Stretch (1min each leg)
2 Minute Pigeon Stretch (1 min each leg)
5 Minute Primal Squat (shift weight and rock)
Click here: to see Primal Squat
Coach’s Choice

Skills and Drills
Burgener Bar Warm-up, for cleans (5x each)
Use a PVC or advanced athletes use a 45/35 Bar


Hang Power Clean Complex

8 X 3 (135/85)
1 Power Clean from top knee position, 1 Power Clean from 1 inch below knee without bar resting on the ground, 1 Power Clean from the ground.

WOD: Scale the weight of the Power Cleans accordingly 75 – 80% and Clean 80 – 85%

  • Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3 reps
  • Clean 5-5-5-5-5 reps

After WOD 5min Abs, then Run 1920 meters up Chorro towards Highland Dr. and left on Highland left on Cuesta Dr. left on Foothill back to the CFSLO Box.