July 6, 2014 CrossFit San Luis Obispo

Monday July 7th, 2014

Coached Classes


First Class at 6:30a
Last Class at 5:30p

CrossFit San Luis Obispo WOD:

Warm-Up and Stretch

Skills and Drills:
30 reps of Cleans

  • 3 @ 50 – 60%
  • rest 1min
    Repeat until 10 rounds=30 reps are completed
    Objective of is learning to mobilize the core while transitioning from one movement to another with accuracy, precise form and speed.

The Clean

WOD: As a 2-3 person team complete in any way or order:

  • 500 Double Unders or 1100 Single Unders
  • 500 Air Squats
  • 400 Sit-ups
  • 300 Walking Lunges
  • 200 Box Jumps (20)
  • 100 Burpees