July 29, 2014 CrossFit San Luis Obispo

Tuesday July 29th, 2014

Coached Classes

First Class at 6:30a
Second Class at 12:00p
Third Class at 4:30p
Fourth Class at 6:30p
Last Class at *7:30p (by reservation only) RAMP classes, must call ahead to reserve a


CrossFit San Luis Obispo WOD:

Warm-Up and Stretch

Coach’s Choice

6 X 1 of Clean and Jerk Complex:

  • 1 Clean + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk
    Progressively get heavier
    Jerk can be Push or Split
    Form and Improved Technique is the Focus.
    Weight can be heavy if form is dialed in.

WOD: AMRAP in 12 Minutes:

  • 3 Power Cleans (135/85), 3 Pull Ups
  • 6 Power Cleans, 6 Pull Ups
  • 9 Power Cleans, 9 Pull Ups
    increments of 3 until the time runs out.

Scale the weight of the Power Cleans accordingly. Use a band for strict Pull Ups if needed. Use Ring Rows as a final scale.