CrossFit Foundations
Our Foundations program is for those with no prior CrossFit experience, who are ready to get started in a group setting. The program consists of six, one-hour long classes, which we recommend you take in order. However, they can be taken in whatever order is most convenient for your schedule. Each class is focused around a collection of fundamental movement patterns. Over the course of the Foundations program, the 9 fundamental CrossFit movements will be covered, as well as a number of other standard movements. Emphasis will be placed on correct and safe movement patterns and scaling options. Each class will begin with group introductions followed by demonstration and instruction on movements. Participants will then perform a brief workout of the day (WOD). There will then be a cool-down period where the coach will give a brief discussion on one aspect of CrossFit. The Foundations class list is as follows:
Day 1: Sitting
Movement Focus: Air Squat, Front Squat, Back Squat, and Overhead Squat
Cool-Down with Discussion: What is CrossFit?, Benchmarking and Performance Tracking
Day 2: Pushing
Movement Focus: Press, Push Press, and Push Jerk.
Cool-Down with Discussion: Appropriate Scaling for the Individual
Day 3: Pulling
Movement Focus: Deadlift and Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Cool-Down with Discussion: Nutrition
Day 4: Core
Movement Focus: Hollow Hold/Rocks, Supermans,
Planks, Push-Ups, Pull-Ups/Ring Rows, and Ring Dips.
Cool-Down with Discussion: Mobility
Day 5: Posterior Chain
Movement Focus: Kettlebells, Good Mornings, and the GHD Machine
Cool-Down with Discussion: Rest, Recovery, and Outside Activity
Day 6: Compound Movement
Movement Focus: Clean & Jerk and Snatch
Our foundations classes are automatically included in your membership.